The Egyptians built the pyramids., The firefighters rescued the teenagers from the buillding., They dropped the first atomic bomb in Hiroshima., We will pay the painter a lot of money., They cancelled the flight because of the heavy fog., They will meet Doris at the station., Somebody broke into our house last Friday., Someone found and gave me my wallet., When did they invent the television?, Mary invited Paul to her birthday party., They are building a new bridge in the city. , They showed the tourists the sights of Athens. , British astronomers discovered a new planet., The police will arrest the robbers., They serve breakfast at 8 everyday., My neighbour is going to look after my dog next Summer., I didn't realize that someone was recording our conversation., They haven't paid my salary yet., They don't speak English in this shop., Young people often use Spotify..

Passive Voice (Preintermediate)


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