chef, brochure, machine, elite, police, charades, plaque, mosque, bisque, Basque, picturesque, antique, unique, critique, chagrin, petite, parachute, torque, oblique, brusque, chiffon, caprice, pique, chamise, Chicago, Maurice, prestige, Martinique, chevron, Michigan, opaque, echelon, Cheryl, chivalry, Mozambique, Baroque, champagne, grotesque, chandelier, arabesque, pistachio, mystique, chaperone, nonchalantly, Chantilly, cirque, statuesque, physique, chaise, Baroque, Baroque, Baroque, Baroque a style of European architecture, music, and art of the 17th and 18th centuries, Baroque art is very elaborate, Baroque, Baroque, Baroque.

9.4 Don't Be Greedy (Baroque)



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