Femur - The largest bone in the human body, Amylase - Enzyme found in the salivary glands that breaks down carbohydrates  , Endocytosis - The process where cells absorb molecules like proteins by engulfing them., Paranasal - Hollow spaces in the bones around the noses are called _____________ sinuses, Zygote - The name given to a fertilised egg, Glomerulus - Bundle of capillaries found in the Bowman’s capsule to prevent large molecules entering the nephron, Arachnoid - The middle layer of the meninges named because of it’s spider like structure - ____________ mater, Sebaceous - Type of glands that secrete the oily substance on skin, Endocardium - Inner layer of the heart wall facing the heart chambers, Portal - The hepatic __________ vein carries nutrients and toxins to the liver from digested material  , Gonads - Name given to sex glands that produce gametes depending on gender , Lymphocytes - The main type of cell that is found in lymph.,

Anatomy and Physiology Hub Challenge 2


Visuaalne stiil


Vaheta malli

Kas taastada automaatselt salvestatud ?