I didn't hear what was the ___ (arrive) time of the coach but I knew we were supposed to leave early. That's why I made an ___ (assume) that we should meet at 08.30 a.m. It turned out I was late and I didn't go on the trip. In my case, the situation of being late is ___ (repeat)., We had to make a presentation about the ___ (original) of any chosen custom. Robert showed me the prototype of it but I didn't like it much. We worked hard on the ___ (improve) version. During the lesson the ___ (project) of our presentation went great and we got satisfying marks., ___ (honest) is a really relevant trait when it comes to social relations. However, I think that in order to be successful at work you don't have to be ___ (ambition), just be ___ (patience)., In my house there are many tihngs because of which I find it difficult to focus. There's always a lot of ___ (distract). It's actually no ___ (different) for me whether I study at home or in a restaurant packed with loud kids. That's the reason why learning is not ___ (benefit) for me at all. I'm trying hard but it just doesn't work out., Today, I was a witness of a conversation between our headmistress and John, who stole a tablet from our school. When the teacher asked him about the reason of the ___ (thief) he ___ (justify) himself in the most stupid way I can think of. John said he wanted to play some games because he doesn't have anything better to do during the lunch break. I hope the ___ (punish) will be adequate to his actions. Otherwise, how can we ensure ___ (protect) in our school?,


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