1) Every substance is either a solid or gas a) True b) False 2) These are the three states of matter solids, liquids and gases a) True b) False 3) All states are made from tiny a) elements b) blobs c) particles d) atoms 4) The particles are closest together in a a) solid b) liquid c) gas d) all the same 5) In a solid, the particles a) are completely still b) vibrate c) move a lot d) do not exist... 6) You can identify solids because they are hard and have a) sharp edges b) lots of colour c) solid written on them d) a definate shape 7) In liquids, the particles are a) not touching b) touching but no clear pattern c) no pattern, not touching d) the same as solids 8) Liquids take the shape of the bottom of the container they are in. a) True b) False 9) Liquids can be poured a) true b) false 10) Particles move fastest in a) solids b) liquids c) gases d) same in all three 11) Gases can be a) melted b) compressed c) frozen d) destroyed 12) Solid and liquids can't be compressed a) True b) false

solids, liquids and gases

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