What’s your favorite sport to practice or watch?, What is some goal you'd like to achieve in the next years?, What's something you like and something you don't like about your job?, As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? What changed?, What do you usually do in your free time?, What is the first thing that you notice when meeting someone new?, What is your favorite room in your house? Why?, If you could live anywhere, where would you live?, If you were your boss, what’s one thing you would do differently?, What hobby do you wish you had more time for?, Where do you see yourself in five years? Describe..., What makes a co-worker someone you’d like to work with?, What do you do if a co-worker takes credit for work that you’ve done?, Where’s the best place to meet other people?, Tell me about your family... How many siblings or children do you have?, ** Date and time exercise! Today, yesterday, random..., Where is the most beautiful place you've ever visited?, What’s your favourite day of the week? Why?, What’s your favorite season? Do you prefer cold or hot weather?, Which is more important, having a great car or a great house? Why?, What would be your perfect vacation destination? Why?, What would be your perfect weekend?, What is some special talent you have?, What are your favorite things to do on Sundays?, What do you do to get rid of stress?, Describe something you like about your city., Spell your full name and email, give me your phone number and salary expectation..., If you could know something about your future, what would you ask?, Is there a hobby you used to enjoy, that you don't practice anymore?, What do you think of tattoos? Do you have any?, What do you do to improve your mood when you are in a bad mood?, What are some things you want to accomplish before you die?, What is your favorite TV series?, What would be your ideal romantic date?, What’s your favorite way to waste time?, When do you usually do your homework?, Can you share an interesting or funny experience you had last week?, What is something people are always surprised to learn about you?, What did you learn recently that changed the way you live?, What's your dream job?, What is your favorite book or movie?, What is something you've learned recently?, What do you do every morning before going out of your house?, What habit do you have that drives your family crazy?, What is the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning?, If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?, If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?, If you could become an expert in any field in a snap, what field would you choose? Why?, If you could have any super power what would it be, and why?, What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?.

English Conversation



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