1) My car is _______ (dirty) than yours. a) dirtyer b) dirtier c) dirtiest 2) Your dog is _______ (ugly) my dog.  a) ugliest b) uglyer c) uglier than d) uglier e) more ugly 3) This skirt is ______(pretty) than the dress. a) prettyier b) pretty c) prettier 4) My dog is ________ (friendly) than my cat.  a) friendliest b) friendlyier c) friendlier 5) My teacher is ___________ (happy) than me.  a) happyest b) happyer c) happier 6) "Toy Story 1" is _____________ (amazing) than "Toy Story 3" .  a) amazingest b) most amazing c) more amazing d) less amazing 7) My cousin Nick is ________ (tall) than me.  a) the tallest b) the taller c) taller 8) This cake is __________ than the one you baked yesterday. a) delicious b) more much delicious c) much more delicious 9) Lisa is __________ in Math than me. a) good b) better c) worse 10) That t-shirt is __________ than mine. a) bigger b) big c) more big

Comparative Adjectives


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