freshman - a first-year college student, society - a club that is orginized by students, dorm (dormitory) - a building where many students live, major - the main focus of your studies in college, grade - a letter or number that shows how good your work is, faculty - the people who teach in a college or a group of departments in a college that specialize in a particular subject, semester - one of the periods into which a year is divided at a college or university, especially in the US and Australia, campus - the buildings of a college or university and the land that surrounds them, degree - the qualification given to a student after he or she has completed his or her studies, facilities - the buildings, equipment, and services provided for a particular purpose (medical, shopping, sports, etc.), professor - a teacher of high rank in an American university or college, undergraduate - a student who is studying for their first degree at a college or university, association - a group of people who work together in a single organization for a particular purpose,

College life


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