1) The word for angel in Arabic is a) Malak b) Rasool c) Ridhwan d) Malik 2) The Word angel is occurred in Quran a) More than 100 times b) More than 80 times c) Less than 80 times 3) Angels are created from a) Smokeless fire b) Mud/Clay c) Divine light 4) Angels are parts of the world of .... a) unseen b) Barzakh c) Qiyamh d) Seen 5) JIBREEL a) angel of death b) angel of revelation  c) angel of rain d) Guardian of Hell e) Guardian of Paradise f) Questioning the dead in the grave 6) MIKAAEEL a) angel of death b) angel of revelation c) angel of rain d) Guardian of Hell e) Guardian of Paradise f) Questioning the dead in the grave 7) ISRAAFEEL a) Blowing the trumpet b) angel of revelation c) angel of rain d) Guardian of Hell e) Guardian of Paradise f) Questioning the dead in the grave 8) MAALIK a) Blowing the trumpet b) angel of revelation c) angel of rain d) Guardian of Hell e) Guardian of Paradise f) Questioning the dead in the grave 9) RIDHWAN a) Blowing the trumpet b) angel of revelation c) angel of rain d) Guardian of Hell e) Guardian of Paradise f) Questioning the dead in the grave 10) MUNKAR AND NAKIR a) Blowing the trumpet b) angel of revelation c) angel of rain d) Guardian of Hell e) Guardian of Paradise f) Questioning the dead in the grave 11) RAQEEB AND ATEED a) Blowing the trumpet b) Record our good and evil deeds c) angel of rain d) Guardian of Hell e) Guardian of Paradise f) Questioning the dead in the grave 12) The Angels beg forgiveness from Allah for.......... a) The Mu’mineen and those who have repented b) the Mu’shrikeen and those who have not repented 13) The Angels say ‘Ameen’ together with a) the Mu’mineen who pray in congregation b) the Mu’mineen who pray individually  c) Who Prays at night 14) The Angels take turns and succeed one another guarding humans all day and night at a) Dhuhr and Maghrib b) the late afternoon and at dawn. c) Isha and Asr d) All above 15) The Angels assisted the Mu’mineen in the battle of ............... a) Uhud b) Badr c) Hunain d) Ahzab e) All above 16) Which is the wrong belief about angels a) They are Allah,s daughters b) Angels are unseen and that they are existing. c) Muslims must believe in their names d) Angels perform tasks by the order of Allah


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