sex - Sex is the word for a person’s biological sexual characteristics, such as hormones, chromosomes and genitals. Someone with a male sex is usually recognised by having typically male reproductive organs and hormones, and someone with a female sex is recognised by having typically female reproductive organs and hormones. Whilst many people are born into one of these two categories, there are also a lot of people who are born with both male and female sexual characteristics, organs and hormones., Gender - Gender is the word used for to describe whether someone feels within themselves to be a man, a woman, or something else. A person may express their gender in different ways through things like clothes, appearance, speech and other non-biological characteristics. Someone’s gender does not necessarily match up to their sex. As such, someone may have male sexual characteristics, but identify as a woman, or someone may have female sexual characteristics but identify as man., Asexual - Asexual is the term used to describe people who feel little or no sexual attraction to anyone. Asexual people can have romantic feelings and the strength of those feelings can vary from person to person., Bisexual - This is the term used to describe people who are sexually attracted to more than one gender. It is sometimes shortened to just “bi”., Gay - This is used to describe people who are exclusively attracted to members of the same gender. Some gay women will prefer to refer to themselves as lesbians., Heterosexual - This the word used to describe someone who is exclusively attracted to members of the opposite gender., Homosexual - This a word used to describe someone who is exclusively attracted to members of the same sex. Many people will prefer to simply be referred to as gay or lesbian., Lesbian - This is a word used to describe women who are exclusively attracted to other women. Some of these women will prefer to simply describe themselves as gay., LGBTQIA+ - is a commonly used acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, Intersex or Asexual. The + sign is to signify other categories of gender and sexual orientation that aren’t accurately described by these terms., Pansexual - This is used to describe someone who is attracted to people irrespective of gender identity and expression., Queer - is an umbrella term used to describe people who do not fall into a traditional gender role or sexual orientation. Essentially, it can be used to describe anyone who is not heterosexual and cisgender. However, it has historically been used as a slur against LGBTQIA+ people, and some will still be pretty offended by it. As such, it’s only ok to use it about another person if that person self-identifies as queer., Questioning - This is when someone is unsure of their sexual orientation or gender identity and are in the process of thinking about what it they identify as/with. Many people go through phases of questioning in their life, whether they’re straight, gay, bi, lesbian, trans or cis., Sexual orientation - Sexual orientation is a term used to describe what gender or genders someone is attracted to., straight - A term used to describe people who are exclusively attracted to members of the opposite gender. It can be used interchangeably with heterosexual, androgynous - This is the term used to describe people who express their gender with a mixture of masculine and feminine traits. They may be either transgender or cisgender., binary gender - This is the traditional belief that there are only two real genders; “man” and “woman”. This doesn’t account for the range of ways that people experience gender as somewhere between man and woman., binary sex - This is the belief that there are strictly only two sets of sex characteristics; “male” and “female”. While many people may only have either male or female sex characteristics, there are also many people that will have a combination of both male and female sexual characteristics., Cisgender is a term used by some to describe people who are not transgender or non-transgender people. Cisgender can also be defined as someone who identifies with the gender they were given at birth.  Cisgender   - is a term used by some to describe people who are not transgender or non-transgender people. Cisgender can also be defined as someone who identifies with the gender they were given at birth., transgender - An umbrella term for anyone whose gender identity or gender expression is different from the biological sex they were assigned at birth., gender disphoria - This term is used to describe the deep discontent and anxiety someone feels when they are living their lives as a gender they don’t identify with. Not all transgender people experience dysphoria, and it is possible to be transgender without feeling dysphoria., Gender expression - How someone presents their gender externally, through things like clothes, appearance and behaviour., gender reassignment surgery - A medical procedure that transitions a person’s biological sex from one sex to another. It is often incorrectly referred to as a “sex change”., intersex - This is the term used to describe someone with both male and female sex characteristics. An intersex person may identify as a man, a woman, or as something else, and it doesn’t necessarily affect their gender identity., Nonbinary - Someone who identifies as this does not identify with binary conceptions of gender like female/male or woman/man. In short, their gender identity lies outside of the gender binary.,


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