Jethro Tull - Seed Drill 1721, John Kay - The Flying Shuttle 1733, James Hargreaves - The Spinning Jenny 1764, Richard Arkwright - The Water Frame 1769, Samuel Crompton - The Spinning Mule 1779, Edmund Cartwright - The Power Loom 1785, Eli Whitney - The Cotton Gin 1792, James Watt - The Modern Steam Engine 1776, Robert Fulton - The Steam Boat 1807, John Mcadam - The Modern Roadbed 1800's, George Stephenson  - The Steam Locomotive 1829, Samuel Morse - The Telegraph 1830's & 1840's, Alexander Graham Bell - The Telephone 1870's, Thomas Edison - Incandescent Light Bulb 1879 & Phonograph, Guglielmo Marconi - Wireless Radio 1890's , Henry Bessemer - The Bessemer Steel Making Process 1850's , Andrew Carnegie - Large Scale Steel Production, John D. Rockfeller - Oil, Gottlieb Daimler - Internal Combustion Engine, Wilbur and Orville Wright - First to fly aircraft, Henry Ford - Automobile Assembly Line, Louis Pasteur - Pasteurization, Joseph Lister - Antiseptic,

Industrial Revolution Inventions



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