When, and if, these unfortunate complications happen, what is your nursing and medical chain of command?, If the PICC/CL is leaking or draining blood or IVF, what would you assess for and what would your interventions be?, If the IV pump is alarming occlusion, what would you assess for and what would your interventions be?, If swelling is noted to the L hand PIV, what would you assess for and what would your interventions be?, What are the different grades from phlebitis and how do the interventions differ with each grade?, If infection is suspected at the insertion site of any IV, what would you assess for and what would your interventions be?, Although pericardial effusion is rare related to IV's, if it were to happen what would you assess for and what would your interventions be?, What assessment would make you suspect that the PICC or CL has migrated or become dislodged?, If your patient got an air embolism related to an IV, what would you assess for and what would your interventions be?, Infiltration can be the most common complication with PIVs, if that were to happen to your patient what would you assess for and what would your interventions be? , If a venous thrombus was to form what would you assess for and what would your interventions be?, If the PICC of CL catheter were to break, what would you assess for and what would your interventions be?, If you notice that the PICC or CL has begun slipping out of the skin from its original insertion depth in CM, what would you assess for and what would your interventions be?.


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