Have you ever.... - punched anyone in the nose at school?, Have you ever .... - called your teacher by their first name?, Have you ever .... - got a very bad mark and cried over it?, Have you ever .... - played a nasty trick on any of your classmates?, Have you ever.... - joined others to pull a nasty prank on a teacher?, Have you ever... - done anything so funny in class that everyone started to laugh?, Have you ever ... - had to stay in after classes to clean the classroom?, Have you ever .... - tricked your teacher and made them laugh?, Have you ever... - hid in the school from your teachers?, Have you ever... - played cards in secret during a lesson?, Have you ever .... - thrown anything out of the window and hit somebody with it at school?, Have you ever .... - had a loud argument with somebody in the classroom?, Have you ever ... - fallen down in the schoolyard and had everyone laugh at you?, Have you ever .... - passed notes to your friends in secret during a lesson?, Have you ever ... - had a note caught by your teacher during a lesson?,

Have you ever ...? SCHOOL LIFE (Present Perfect)


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