Treaty of Versailles - peace treaty to end WW1 in 1919, League of Nations - a group of countries who wanted a way to gain peace and avoid another war, reparations - money given by Germany to the allied countries, appeasement - an act to stop an argument or war (to make someone happy), Disarmament - to reduce/stop making and using weapons, veto - to vote against something, Great Depression - high levels of unemployment and poverty, Nationalism - to be proud of being a part of a country and want independence from another, internationalism - good relationships between different countries, Dictatorship - one person rules a country, usually by force, soviet - Another word used for Russia, Self determination - being able to rule your own country, Nazi - A political party in Germany, Anschluss - Germany uniting with Austria (union), Locarno Pact - An agreement between Germany, Britain, France, Belgium and Italy signed the Treaty., Dawes Plan - USA lent money to Germany , Young Plan - reduced the reparations and increased the time Germany had to pay it back, Kellog-Briand Treaty - an agreement between 15 countries not to use war, Hoare-Laval Pact - An agreement between France and Britain to give Ethiopia to Italy,

international relations topic- key terms


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