lignin - the inner walls of xylem vessels are strengthened by deposits of substance called, sieve plates - these "cross walls" look like a sieve and so are called, vascular tissues - flowering plants have a system of vessels that run up and down the plants carrying materials. what is the name of the vessels?, cells - xylem vessel is made up of many dead..., vascular bundles - the xylem and phloem are grouped together to form, epidermis - the stem is covered by a layer of cells called , cortex - .... of the root is also storage tissue, sucrose - if the stem is sectioned and examined under microscope, you will see that the feeding stylet of the aphid is inserted into the phloem sieve tube. this shows that translocation of amino acids and .... in the phloem, active - the root cell absorbs mineral ion from the soil solution by .... transport, aerial - some water is removed when it evaporates from the ... parts of the plant, plasma - about 55% of the volume of the blood is made up of, platelets - about 45% of the volume of blood is made up of blood cells and ..., circulatory - the main transport system in human is the ..... system, transpiration - ..... is the loss of water vapour from the aerial parts of the plant mainly through the stomata of the leaves, blood - the fluid contained in circulatory system is called, Phagocytes - white blood cells consists of two main types of cells - lymphocytes and ....., haemoglobin - red blood cells contains a red pigment called, pull - a force which pulls water up the xylem vessels is called transpiration ......, stream - the stream of water up the plant is called the transpiration, phagocytosis - phagocytes can engulf and destroy foreign particles like bacteria this process is called, lymphocytes - type of white blood cells that have large spherical nucleus and are smaller than phagocytes, endothelium - they have walls made up of only a single layer of only a single layer of flattened cells (endothelial cells) called the, arterioles - the arteries branch again to form tiny vessels called, capillaries - the arterioles divide and their branches become very tiny blood vessels called, arteries - the blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are called, valves - folds of the inner walls inside the vein that prevent backflow, tissue - the tiny spaces between tissue cells contain a colourless liquid known as ..... fluid, pulmonary - oxygenated blood is returned to the heart by the ..... veins, phloem - there are two types of vascular tissues in plants: xylem and ....., pits - Lignin may be deposited in the form of the rings or or spirals or the whole vessel maybe lignified except in regions called,

Transport in plant and Animal


Visuaalne stiil


Vaheta malli

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