static - still, motionless, not moving, unchanging, statue - a free-standing sculpture in which the realistic, full-length figures of persons or animals are carved or cast in a durable material such as wood, metal, or stone, still life (in painting) - a work of art that shows non-living objects arranged in an interesting way, style - a distinctive or characteristic manner of expression, subconscious - the part of the mind containing all thoughts, memories, impulses, desires, feelings, etc., that are not subject to a person’s control, but that often affect conscious thoughts and behavior, surface - the part of the painting that we see through, the external most aspect of something, surreal (in art) - describes something marked by the intense irrational reality of a dream; dreamlike, symbolism - the representation of subjects or ideas by use of a device or motif to create underlying meaning, symmetrical - when parts of an image or object are organized so that one side is a mirror image of the over, tapestry - artwork created on textiles by weaving colorful threads together to depict images, tertiary colors - colors made by mixing a primary and secondary color; for example, yellow-green (lime green) is yellow and green, blue-green (teal) is blue and green, textile - a woven or knit cloth, texture - an element of art; the way something feels when you touch it; also, the way something in an artwork looks like it would feel, tinting - adding white to make colors lighter in an artwork, unity / variety (both of them) - the feeling that the elements used in an artwork fit each other and work together to achieve the results the artist wanted versus when an artist uses different elements of art, such as many kinds of lines, colors, or textures, value - an element of art; the lightness or darkness of colors; also called “tone”, viewer - the person looking at a piece of art, viewpoint - the position from which you see or observe something, watercolor - a water soluble paint with transparent properties; refers both to the medium and works of art made using this type of paint, woodblock print - also called a woodcut, this is a printmaking technique where an image is cut into a piece of wood, then covered in ink, and pressed onto a piece of paper; the image is mirrored on paper like a giant stamp,

Art Words 81-100


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