1) What's the number one item on your bucket list? 2) What's the best book you've ever read? 3) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? 4) What's your go-to comfort food? 5) What pet peeve drives you the craziest? 6) What's the last movie you saw in a theater? 7) What website is your biggest time suck? 8) What's your favorite hobby? 9) If you could travel through time, what time period would you visit? 10) What's the best concert you've seen? 11) Do you root for any particular sports teams? 12) What's the worst job you've had? 13) Which do you like the most: dogs or cats? 14) Are you a morning person or do you like to stay up late? 15) What five albums would you take to a desert island? 16) What would you do with the money if you won the lottery? 17) Do you like your job? 18) Have you ever met anyone famous? 19) How did you and your partner meet? 20) What apps do you use the most? 21) Who is your biggest role model? 22) What's your best memory from childhood? 23) Where do you want to be in 10 years? 24) What's your definition of success? 25) What's your personal motto? 26) What one day would you choose to live over in your life? 27) What advice you would give to your 18-year-old self? 28) Is there a lesson that you had to learn the hard way? 29) What did you want to be when you grew up? 30) What's your best quality? 31) What would you most like change about yourself if you could? 32) Who is the most important person to you? 33) What are people surprised to learn about you? 34) What's the most difficult thing you've ever done? 35) What is your proudest accomplishment? 36) Do you have any regrets? 37) When are you happiest? 38) What are you most afraid of? 39) What's an opinion you've had that has changed over time? 40) Where do you find inspiration?

Conversation Starters


Visuaalne stiil


Vaheta malli

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