social contract - idea that people consent to sacrifice personal liberties in return for security provided by the state, the leviathan - Hobbe's most famous book, sovereign - the font of authority, the ruler of a state, nasty brutish short - how Hobbes described life in the state of nature, democracy - rule by the people, aristocracy - rule by a hereditary nobility or elite, oligarchy - rule by a small elite, john locke - known as the father of liberalism, selfishness - key feature of human nature according to Hobbes, legislature - institution that writes laws, the enlightenment - movement of scientific rationalism, progress and reason in the 18th C, executive - institution that enforces policies passed into legislation, judiciary - independent institution to adjudicate disputes regarding the law, limited - Locke argued that the power of the state should be ........, private property - one of the main functions of government according to Locke was to protect ........., US constitution - this was heavily influenced by Locke's ideas, reason - a key feature of Locke's idea of human nature,

Hobbes & Locke crossword


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