1) What is our country’s capital? a) French b) Washington D.C. c) Yorktown 2) Who is our country’s capital named after? a) George Washington b) James Armistead c) Patrick Henry 3) James Armistead fought in the War for Independence. a) True b) False 4) Someone who collects information secretly from an enemy’s country is a? a) tax payer b) traitor c) spy 5) Who was the first African American double spy? a) George Washington b) Marquis de Lafayette  c) James Armistead 6) Someone who gives help or information to an enemy country is a? a) traitor b) spy c) hero 7) Who was the first commander of French troops helping George Washington? a) James Armistead b) Marquis de Lafayette c) Benedict Arnold 8) An American officer who chose to switch sides and work for the British. a) Patrick Henry b) James Armistead c) Benedict Arnold 9) A leader of British army in the War for Independence. a) General Cornwallis b) Benedict Arnold c) James Armistead 10) This is where the last major battle of the War for Independence was fought. The British surrendered to the Americans. a) War of 1812 b) French and Indian War c) Yorktown, Virginia 11) William Armistead gave permission to James to fight against the British during the? a) Settlement of Jamestown b) War for Independence c) Constitutional Convention 12) James Armistead learned how to be a ___ so he could gather information from the British army. a) countrymen b) farmer c) spy 13) Because of the information from James Armistead, America won the battle of? a) Plymouth rock b) the War for Independence c) Yorktown 14) The French officer named ___ helped James Armistead gain his freedom. a) Marquis de Lafayette b) George Washington c) General Cornwallis 15) What are trips taken by a group of people to explore a new place? a) expeditions b) architect c) congress 16) A person who draws plans to build a building. a) Landlord b) traitor c) architect 17) A purchase of land from France that doubled the size of the United States; called the Louisiana Territory. a) expedition b) Louisiana Purchas c) Settlement of Jamestown 18) A meeting in which the colonies chose to declare their independence from England and form an army whose leader would be George Washington. a) Thomas Jefferson b) Louisiana Purchase c) Second Continental Congress 19) Who was the author and signer of the Declaration of Independence? a) Thomas Jefferson b) George Washington c) James Armistead 20) Who was the 3rd president of the United States? a) George Washington b) Abraham Lincoln c) Thomas Jefferson 21) What was Thomas Jefferson’s home in Charlottesville, Virginia? a) Mt. Vernon b) Monticello c) Jefferson Memorial 22) Who was the University of Virginia was founded and designed by? a) Thomas Jefferson b) George Washington c) James Armistead 23) What was formed that ket the British from sending thousands of troops to Yorktown, Virginia? a) Spy b) peace treaty c) blockade 24) Who invented the swivel chair? a) Thomas Jefferson b) Benjamin Franklin c) George Washington 25) Thomas Jefferson served as an ambassador to the country of? a) United States b) France c) India 26) What was the name of the meeting in which men decided to be free from England? a) Declaration of Independence b) Continental Congress c) Louisiana Purchase 27) Thomas Jefferson was chosen to writ the document called the? a) War of Independence b) Declaration of Independence 28) Who was best known as the author of the Declaration of Independence? a) Thomas Jefferson b) George Washington c) A few good men 29) How many men signed their names to the bottom of the Declaration of Independence? a) Three b) Five c) Four 30) What was Thomas Jefferson’s large purchase of land called? a) Monticello b) Louisiana Purchase 31) What did Thomas Jefferson suggest the United States use for money? a) dollar bills and coins b) gold c) silver 32) What three rights of Americans does the Declaration of Independence Day are given by God? a) Trust, Life, and Liberty b) Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness c) Faith, loyalty, happiness 33) On what day was the Declaration of Independence accepted? a) July 4,1776 b) July 3,1770 c) 1492 34) Because Mr. Jefferson knew young people needed a good education, he became the founder of? a) Jefferson University b) University of Virginia c) Washington University 35) Thomas Jefferson is best remembered as the ___ of the Declaration of Independence. a) signer b) designer c) author

Abeka History Ch. 12 -13 pgs. 110-128


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