get away (phrasal verb) - to go somewhere different from where you live to have a rest or holiday; e.g. I'd really like to get away for the weekend, unwind (verb) - to relax after you have been working hard or feeling tense; e.g. I've been really stressed at work recently, so I needed to take some time off to unwind, (to be) In touch with nature - describes someone who understands and feel connected with nature; e.q. Try turning off your cell phone and go for a walk: listen to the birds, feel the wing on your face and be in touch with nature., off the beaten track (phrase) - an isolated place, far away from the places that people usually visit; e.g. When we visited Canada last year, we tried to stay off the beaten track and visit places that were not overrun with tourists., splurge - to spend a lot of oney, especially on something special as a way of making yourself feel good; e.g. A honeymoon is a once in a lifteme occasion, so we felt like we could splurge on the trip, and really live it up. (to) splurge on a holiday/ dinner/a person, day trip (countable noun) - a journey or excursion made for pleasure, which is completed in one day; e.g. We are hiring a car this weekend to go on a day trip to the Washington DC, iconic (adjective) - very famous and well known, and believed to represent a particular idea: e.g. When you go sight seeing, be sure to check out Chichén Itzá, it's an iconic historical site., hot spot (countable noun) - a place that is popular and has a lot of activity and/or entertainment; e.g. Looking at tripadvisor helps me find the popular hot spots in the area, minimalist (adjective) - describing a certain style where you use a very small number of simple elements; e.g. Minimalist travelling is more than just packing lightly; it's a mindset! It means that you think hard about what you need versus what you want., self discovery ((uncountable noun) - new knowledge and understanding that you get about your feelings and the type of person that you are; e.g. Travelling by train accross Southeast Asua was more than just an adventure where I learned about new cultures, it was also a jurney of self discovery, where I learned what I am capable of.,



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