archeologist - an expert in archeology, arrow - a thin piece of wood or material, with one pointed end and feathers at the other end, BC - before Christ (used in the Christian calendar to show a particular number of years before the year when Christ is believed to have been born), bow - a weapon for shooting arrows. a bow is a piece of wood that is held in shape by a tight string, cloak - type of loose coat without sleeves that was more common in former times, corn - British English: maize, it is a tall plant grown for its large yellow grains that are used for making flour or eaten as a vegetable; the grains of this plant, freeze - to become hard and often change into ice because of extreme cold, material - a substance that things can be made from, path - a way across a piece of land that is made by or used by people walking , shoot - to fire a gun or other weapon, Stone Age - belonging to the very early period of human history when tools and weapons were made of stone, waterproof - that does not let water through or that cannot be damaged by water, X-ray - to photograph and examine bones and organs inside the body,

The Iceman - wordlist (Project 4)


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