1) In the story of Cain and Abel who gave the best to God? a) Adam b) Abel c) Eve d) Cain 2) God said "I have loved you with _______________ a) my loving eyes b) an eternal love c) an everlasting love d) my whole heart 3) On whom did God put all our sins ? a) the cross b) Jesus Christ c) Satan d) Himself 4) Who helps us to overcome our sins ? a) Our parents b) The Holy Spirit c) Our friends d) our heart 5) What is the meaning of the word Omniscient? a) God knows everything b) God is everywhere at the same time c) Nothing is impossible for God. He is all-powerful d) God is the most loving 6) What is the meaning of the word Omnipresent? a) God knows everything b) God is the most loving c) Nothing is impossible for God. He is all-powerful d) God is everywhere at the same time 7) What is the meaning of the word Omnipotent? a) God knows everything b) Nothing is impossible for God. He is all-powerfulGod is everywhere at the same time c) God is everywhere at the same time d) God is the most loving 8) (From Acts 9) Whom did Saul hate? a) God and Jesus b) Jesus c) Jesus, and the Christians d) Christians 9) Who was the disciple God spoke to in Damascus? a) Saul b) Ananias c) Paul d) Tarsus 10) Hebrews 13:8: Jesus Christ is the same _________________________________ a) now and always b) forevermore c) everyday d) yesterday, today and forever 11) Who has seen our whole lives, from the very beginning to the very end even before we were born ? a) Our parents b) God c) Angels d) Heaven 12) What was the special gift that Joseph received from his father? a) a sheep b) A gold chain c) a special robe d) a gold cup 13) Who felt angry and jealous of his brother? a) Abel b) Saul c) David d) Cain 14) Where did Cain settle? a) The Land of Wandering b) East of the river c) In Jerusalem d) In Bethlehem 15) Sin brings _______________ and obedience brings ________________. a) punishment , blessings b) judgment, happiness c) fear, joy d) sadness, happiness 16) Sin has _______________ a) fear b) consequences c) bad things d) reward 17) What does the word ‘Faithful’ mean ? a) God will always keep His promises b) God is good c) God is real d) We are good 18) What did Noah do when God instructed him to build an ark? a) He was afraid b) He obeyed God c) He ran away d) He wrote it down 19) What was God's constant reminder of God's continuing love and promise to Noah? a) Rainbow b) Rain c) Dove d) Ark 20) Where did Daniel live? a) Egypt b) Eden c) In the Desert d) Babylon 21) Who was faithful and righteous in the kingdom of Babylon? a) The King b) Joseph c) Daniel d) Abraham 22) Which King loved Daniel very much? a) Pharaoh b) King Darius c) King George d) King Charles 23) The eyes of the Lord are on the _________________ a) Wicked b) People c) King d) Righteous 24) God is our protection and strength. He always helps in times of ________________ a) Need b) Trouble c) Joy d) Greatness 25) What does the Hebrew word “El Rohi” mean? a) God the most high b) God of peace c) God the Shepherd d) God our help 26) What was the name of the place where Abraham took Isaac to be sacrificed? a) The land of Egypt b) The land of Canaan c) The promised land d) The land of Moriah 27) How long did Abraham wait before obeying God? a) 1 week b) Immediately c) After he prayed d) the next day 28) 1 John 3:22 says, “He will give us whatever we ask, because we _____ him and do what pleases him.” a) obey b) trust c) love d) pray to 29) Who said these words “Dad. I have the wood, and you have the fire, but we didn't bring an animal. Don't we need a lamb for the sacrifice?” a) Isaac b) Abraham c) Cain d) Abel 30) Psalm 23:1 says The Lord is my ________, I lack nothing. a) God b) Provider c) Shepherd d) Friend

Level 1 Round 1


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