recruitment - When a business looks at their available job openings and finds the best person for the jobs available., job analysis - A description of the job's duties, responsibilities, skills, and work environment, selection - The process of picking or choosing the right candidate, screening - To check the application documents against the requirements of the job., interview - A formal conversation between two or more people to check if the candidate is suitable for the job, interviewer - The person who asks the questions in an interview, interviewee - A person is being interviewed. For example, an applicant is being interviewed for a job., employment contract - A signed agreement between an individual employee and an employer, remuneration - The money someone gets paid to do their job, code of conduct - The rules and regulations given to employees on how to behave at work, induction - The process of introducing a new employee to his/her job and giving all the information they need to start their work., placement - The process of assigning a new employee to a position, employee benefits - The benefit an employer gives to an employee to help them, like life insurance, medical aid, pension fund, etc., deductions - The money that's taken from your salary to pay for thiings like income tax, pension fund, union fees, etc., compulsory - Something an employee must do because it is the law or a person in authority says so., compensation fund - A payment given to employees who are injured or contract diseases while on employment.,

Human Resources Functions Definitions


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