I need to ___ the laundry before work tomorrow morning. - do, She really wants to ____ her ideas to life through her new project. - bring, He has to __ research on his history assignment due next week. - do, The documentary will _____ to light many important issues in society. - bring, It's important to _____ a line between personal and professional life. - draw, Don't forget to bundle up so you don't _________ a cold outside. - catch, My lucky charm always _________ me luck whenever I compete. - brings, Arguing all day will ____ us nowhere in solving this problem. - get, I met my best friend ___ chance at the grocery store last week. - by, ___ the age of 18, she started college and pursued her dreams. - At, We searched ___ vain for the missing key, but couldn't find it. - in, He was called into work at short ________ to cover someone's shift. - notice, This restaurant is ___ far the best one in town for Italian food. - by, She is currently ___ leave from work to spend time with her family. - on, The car is _____repair, so we'll have to take the bus today. - under, With her expertise, she can finish the project ___ no time at all. - in, The surprise party completely caught her by ____________ and made her cry. - surprise, ___ times, it's good to take a break and relax from work stress. - At, Soldiers are trained to ___ duty when called upon. - do, He is caring and compassionate by _______ towards animals. - nature,

EGE Collocations p. 2-3


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