Blitzkreig - "Lighting Wars" type of fast-moving warfare used by German forces against Poland in 1939, Allied Powers - Alliance of Great Britain, Soviet Union, United States, France, and China during World War II., The Manhattan Project - A secret research and development project of the US to develop the atomic bomb. Its success granted the US the bombs that ended the war with Japan as well as ushering the country into the atomic era, Kamikaze - Japanese pilots who deliberately crashed planes into American ships during World War II, Winston Churchill - A noted British statesman who led Britain throughout most of World War II and along with Roosevelt planned many allied campaigns. He predicted an iron curtain that would separate Communist Europe from the rest of the West., Iwo Jima - Bloodiest Marine battle in history. Victory provided an island close to Japan where the B-29 could refuel., D-Day - June 6, 1944 - Led by Eisenhower, over a million troops (the largest invasion force in history) stormed the beaches at Normandy and began the process of re-taking France. The turning point of World War II.`, Axis Powers - Germany, Italy, Japan, Internment Camps - Detention centers where more than 100,000 Japanese Americans were relocated during World War II by order of the President., Adolf Hitler - German Nazi dictator during World War II (1889-1945), Nazi leader and founder; had over 6 million Jews assassinated during the Holocaust, Harry Truman - Became president when FDR died; gave the order to drop the atomic bomb, Invasion of Poland - Germany invaded, breaking their agreement, so Britain and France declared war, starting World War II, Hiroshima - City in Japan, the first to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, on August 6, 1945. The bombing hastened the end of World War II., Island Hopping - A military strategy used during World War II that involved selectively attacking specific enemy-held islands and bypassing others, General Dwight Eisenhower - Led the allied invasion of North Africa and planned and executed the D-Day invasion at Normandy and the battle of the budge; Supreme Allied Commander in Europe., Battle of Midway - Turning point of the War in the Pacific because it ended the Japanese advance in the Pacific, The Pacific Theater - The war in the Pacific, most islands were involved, Japan tried to take these islands and sent 65 bombing raids all the way to Australia., Rationing - Restricting the amount of food and other goods people may buy during wartime to make sure there are enough supplies for the military, Battle of Stalingrad - Decisive battle in German invasion of Russia, the Germans were surrounded and systemically destroyed, Holocaust - the Nazi program of killing Jews under Hitler, Totalitarianism - A political system in which the government has total control over the lives of individual citizens., dictator - A ruler who has complete power over a country, Appeasement - Accepting demands in order to avoid conflict, Alliances - Germany, Japan, and Italy formed the Axis Powers. Britain and France were allied with Poland. When Poland was attacked Poland's allies joined the war., Militarism - Japan, Germany, Italy were building up their militaries, Imperialism - Germany, Japan, and Italy were taking over other countries during the 1930s, Nationalism - Germany, Japan, and Italy had a strong sense of pride in their nations, and used their power to conquer other nations., Spark - The invasion of Poland and the attack on Pearl Harbor were the sparks of World War II,



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