1) How can individuals today emulate Prophet Muhammad's s.a.w personality to contribute to a better world? a) We can emulate Prophet Muhammad's personality by cutting down the trees and destroying plants. b) We can emulate Prophet Muhammad's personality by caring for injured animals. c) We can emulate Prophet Muhammad's personality throwing rubbish in the sea so that the sea animals habitat are polluted. 2) What are the impacts of showing love and kindness to all creatures as exemplified by Prophet Muhammad s.a.w on society harmony? a) By showing love and kindness, we will create unhappiness and violence among the people. b) By showing kindness to animals, respecting nature and promoting peace and harmony among people, we are embracing the spirit of rahmah or being merciful in everything we do around us. c) By showing love and kindness to every creature, we will create hatred, jealousy and enmity among people. 3) In what ways can children be taught to appreciate and respect all forms of life, following the teachings of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w a) By planting fruit trees and caring for them. b) By abandoning pets that they promised to take care. c) By seeking revenge at those who had bullied them. 4) Khadijah r.a and Sayyidina Abu Bakar r.a used their _________ to support Rasulullah s.a.w in his mission. a) Debt b) Wealth 5) Khadijah r.a and Sayyidina Abu Bakar r.a were _______________ by their own families and the people around them. a) shunned b) accepted 6) Bilal ibn Rabah who was a _____________________. a) slave b) businessman 7) Sumayyah was stabbed by the _______________ because she refused to leave Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. a) Muslim b) Kuffar 8) The sahabah suffered _____________ years of boycott set by kuffar. a) two b) three 9) The sahabah could endure their struggles because they ________________ Allah's s.w.t and Rasulullah s.a.w. a) owe b) love 10) Sayyidina Abu Bakar r.a is known for his ________________________. a) leadership and taqwa b) generosity c) bravery 11) Who is Aisha r.a father? a) Bilal b) Ali r.a c) Abu Bakar r.a 12) Who is the mother of Abu Bakar r.a? a) Sumayyah b) Salmah c) Aisha 13) Abu Bakar r.a is known as the As-Siddiq. What is As - Siddiq? a) The one who confirms the truth b) The one who is brave c) The one who is kind.


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