1) Lisa gave her father a nice present ______________ on his birthday a) two days later b) every week c) next monday d) last Tuesday 2) Donald _________ a red car from a friend last month. a) sold b) told c) bought d) thought 3) I __________ in the science lab when I __________ the tube a) was / dropped b) was / drop c) were / dropped d) were / drop 4) Mrs. Hall _________ some pills last night because she _________ ill. a) take / were b) take / was c) took / were d) took / was 5) Alfie _________ sad yesterday morning because his friends _________ with him. a) was / were b) were / was c) was / weren't d) were / wasn’t 6) Where _______ Frankie ________ running last weekend? a) was / go b) was / went c) did / go d) did / went 7) Mr. Wood _______ buy anything from the mall because he _______ have any money with him. a) didn’t / didn’t b) didn’t / wasn't c) wasn't / wasn't d) wasn't / didn’t 8) Martha _________ at a party last Friday and she _________ all night. a) was / dance b) was / danced c) were / dance d) were / danced 9) Eva: What _______ the matter with Finn last month?  Mia: He _______ the measles a) was / had b) was / have c) were / had d) were / have 10) Ada: _______ did your mother _______ two years ago? Irıs: At a call center. a) Where / work b) What / work c) Where / worked d) What / worked 11) Luca: __________ did your uncle __________ for the clothes? Ruby: 100 dollars a) How many / pay b) How many / paid c) How much / pay d) How much / paid 12) Mr. Cox _______ usually hungry because he ________ have any money to buy food a) was / did b) were / did c) was / didn't d) were / didn't 13) Ralph _______ very fast, but the other runners _______ faster than him. a) run / were b) run / was c) run / was d) ran / were 14) ________ instrument _________ Frederick play for his friends this morning? a) Which / was b) Which/ did c) Where / did d) Where / was 15) There __________ thousands of soldiers in the battle and they all __________ bravely. a) were / fought b) were / fighted c) was / fighted d) was / fought 16) Jake: __________ did Charlotte __________ her lunch yesterday? Maya: At the canteen. a) What / ate b) What / eat c) Where / ate d) Where / eat 17) Elvis Presley __________ a great singer. He __________ in the USA. a) was / live b) was / lived c) were / live d) were / lived 18) Sebastian _________ some of the milk on the table, but he __________ it at all. a) didn’t drink / liked b) didn’t like / drank c) drank / didn’t like d) liked / didn’t drink 19) Mr. Green _________ awake all night because there _________ mosquitoes everywhere. a) were / was b) was / were c) were / were d) was / was


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