1) Air always moves from ____ to _____ pressure. a) Warm, cold b) Cold, warm c) Low, high d) High, low 2) Cold air has ____ pressure. a) occulded b) high c) low d) statotinary  3) Why is the sun important to Earth’s weather? a) It heats up the air. b) It causes evaporation, which makes rain. c) It makes air move, which causes wind. d) All of these are correct. 4) Air speeds near the ground as ____ compared to air speeds higher up in the atmosphere. a) Faster b) Slower c) No different d) There are zero air molecules that high so air cannot move. 5) Cold air moves ____ and ____. a) Fast, sinks b) Fast, rises c) Slow, sinks d) Slow, rises 6) What are the lines on a map that pass through areas with the same pressure called? a) isobars b) isotherms c) air masses d) fronts 7) How can you tell which direction a front is MOVING on a weather map? a) Look at the color of the front b) Look which way the triangles or circles are pointing c) Look for Hs or Ls d) Look for rain clouds 8) Which symbol represents a STATIONARY front? a) red semicircles b) blue triangles c) red semicircles AND blue triangles d) blue semicircles and triangles  9) Which symbol represents a WARM front? a) red semicircles b) blue triangles c) red semicircles AND blue triangles d) blue semicircles and triangles 10) Which type of front forms when warm air is trapped between two cold air masses? a) warm b) cold c) stationary d) occluded 11) Which type of front forms when warm air moves in and replaces cold air? a) warm b) cold c) stationary d) occluded 12) What causes wind? a) Precipitation associated with an occluded front b) Isobars c) Air moving from low to high pressure d) Unequal heating of the Earth 13) Hot air balloons fly high in the sky and are strong enough to hold several people in a basket. Why do air balloons rise? a) The sun makes it rise. b) The hot air in the atmosphere makes it rise. c) The hot air inside the balloon makes it rise. d) Gravity doesn’t work on balloons, so it rises. 14) Warm air has ____ pressure. a) high b) low c) stationary d) occluded 15) Which of the following is true about stationary fronts? a) A cold air mass catches up to a warm air mass b) They don’t move c) A warm air mass replaces a cold air mass d) A cold air mass replaces a warm air mass

Weather review


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