1) What were the effects on farmers during the Great Depression? a) Prices for crops soared b) Farmers became wealthier c) Crops and animals were left to rot d) Farming technology improved 2) Which group faced the highest levels of unemployment and distress? a) Wealthy businessmen b) Middle-class families c) Government employees d) Inmigrants and black Americans 3) How did low wages and long hours during the Great Depression affect women, immigrants, and black Americans?ns? a) They had to work less b) They worked longer hours for reduced pay c) They were unaffected d) They received higher wages 4) What was one of the factors contributing to the stock market crash? a) Decreasing interest rates b) Increasing foreign investment c) Rampant speculation d) Government bailouts 5) What significant event marked the beginning of panic in the stock market in October 1929? a) Black Monday b) Black Friday c) Black Tuesday d) Black Thursday 6) What was a major problem for farmers in the Tennessee Valley? a) Floods washing away crops and topsoil b) Insect infestations c) Landslides d) Drought 7) Which group faced the highest levels of unemployment and distress? a) Wealthy businessmen b) Immigrants and black Americans c) Middle-class families d) Government employees 8) What was a significant impact on people who bought stocks “on the margin” during the crash? a) They were in debt and faced financial ruin b) They received government aid c) They profited significantly d) They remained unaffected 9) What was the consequence for banks following the crash of 1929? a) They increased loans to businesses b) They were nationalized by the government c) They closed in large numbers d) They thrived due to increased savings 10) What was one of the effects of the stock market crash on housing? a) There was an increase in homeownership b) Housing prices increased c) The construction of new homes surged d) Homelessness became widespread


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