equipment - found in a science lab and used by scientists and inventors, advertisement - this promotes a product, common - the opposite of rare, portcullis - a large, medieval gate, resist - to abstain from doing something, rough - the opposite of smooth, swell - a river or an ocean can do this ie. get bigger, software - the programming a computer needs, patent - the protection of a product from being copied, merchandise - usually consisting of T-shirts and other products and aid in the advertising and promoting of a product, escape - many people in prison try to do this, strength - the opposite of weakness, archaic - very, very old, incapable - not able to do something, revolt - something unhappy peasants would do, expand - to get bigger, explore - to search for new things, survive - to live, solution - the answer to a problem, conspicuous - clearly visible, challenge - something that is not easy ,

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