1) عبرة قديمة a) An new abra b) An old Abra c) An old lesson 2) وسائل المواصلات البرّية في دبي جديدة a) Land transportation in Dubai b) Land transportation in Dubai is new c) transportation in Dubai is new 3) أركب مترو دبي لأنّه مريح و نظيف a) I take the Dubai Metro b) Dubai Metro because it is comfortable and clean c) I take the Dubai Metro because it is comfortable and clean 4) أفضّل وسائل الموصلات البحريّة a) I prefer marine transportation b) I prefer land transportation c) I prefer transportation 5) أسافر بالطائرة الإماراتيّة لأنّها نظيفة a) I travel by plane b) Emirates plane is clean c) I travel by Emirates plane because it is clean 6) تعجبني وسائل المواصلات البرّية مثل المترو أكثر من وسائل المواصلات المائيّة والجويّة a) I like land transportation, such as the metro b) I like land transportation, such as the metro, more than water transportation c) I like land transportation, such as the metro, more than water and air transportation 7) أستخدم مركبة الأجرة عدة لأذهب إلى المول a) I usually use a taxi to go to the school b) I usually use a taxi to go to the mall c) I usually use a taxi to go to the house 8) من هذا المكان في المطار أستطيع أن أشتري الهدايا و الشوكولاتة قبل الرّحلة a) From this place at the airport you can buy gifts fore the flight b) From this airport I can buy gifts and chocolates before the flight c) From this place at the airport I can buy gifts and chocolates before the flight 9) ما هو برأيك العرض الأرخص؟ كيف تعرف ذلك؟ a) What do you think is the cheapest car? how do you know that? b) What do you think is the cheapest offer? c) What do you think is the cheapest offer? how do you know that? 10) عائلة "أحمد" لديها 4 أطفال برأيك ما هو العرض المناسب لهم ؟ و لماذا؟  a) Ahmed's family has 4 children. In your opinion, what is the more expensive offer for them? And why? b) Ahmed's family has 4 children. In your opinion, what is the appropriate offer for them? And why? 11) ماهي أهم أسباب السّفر حسب رأي الكاتب؟ a) What are the most important reasons for travel, according to you? b) What are the most important reasons for travel, according to the writer? 12) ماهي بعض الوجهات الشهيرة التي يمكن زيارتها في الإمارات العربية المتحدة؟ a) What are some of the popular destinations to visit France? b) What are some of the popular destinations to visit Arab Countries?   c) What are some of the popular destinations to visit in the United Arab Emirates? 13) برأيك، ماهي الأسباب التي جعلت دبي الوجهة الأكثر شهرة عالميًّا؟ a) what are the reasons that make Dubai the most famous destination in the world? b) In your opinion, what are the reasons that make Dubai the most famous destination in the world? c) In your opinion, what are the reasons that make Dubai the most famous in the world? 14) كيف تتوقّع أن يكون السّفر في المستقبل؟ a) What do you expect transportations to be like in the future? b) What do you expect travel to be like in the future? c) What do you the travel in the future?



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