Additional comments or ideas: Additionally, Furthermore, Besides, Similarly/In a similar fashion, Correspondingly, Analysing results: Evidense illustrates that, Hence, Owing to x, That implies/suggests that, Consequently, Emphasising earlier statements: Nonetheless, Notwithstanding x, While x may be true, In the final analysis, Despite x, Contrast: By contrast, Compared with, Although, Conversely, However, Cause/effect: Owing to, Due to the fact , This suggests that, For this reason, As a result, In consequence of this, Giving an example: For instance, In other words, Typical of this, That is to say, A key example, A good illustration, Starting/Concluding: As I see it, I am convinced that, I am inclined to believe that, All things considered, On balance, I believe that, All in all, it seems to me that,

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