1) 유유상종 a) Birds of a feather flock together. b) It takes two to tango. c) Rome wasn't built in a day. 2) It's no use crying over _____________. a) spilt water b) spilt milk 3) Break a leg! a) (공연전) 행운을 빌어! b) 서둘러! c) 힘내! 4) Way to go! a) 이쪽으로 오세요! b) 조금 더 노력해요! c) 잘하고 있어요! 5) = start studying seriously a) read the books b) hit the books c) eat the books 6) Haste makes waste. 뜻하는 바가 가장 가까운 것은? a) 물건을 낭비하지 말라. b) 늘 새로운 일에 도전하라. c) 급할수록 돌아가라. 7) Keep your chin up! a) 기운내! b) 화를 내! c) 숨지 마! 8) Nailed it! a) 망쳤다! b) 잘했다! c) 잊어버렸다! 9) Look before you leap. a) 돌다리도 두들겨보고 건너라. b) 항상 행동을 조심해라. c) 당장 실천에 옮겨라. 10) Have a ball a) 공 좀 가져다줘 b) 재밌게 놀아 c) 댄스파티 가자 11) A friend in need is a friend _____________ a) indeed. b) really. c) who helps. 12) 행운을 빌어! a) Judge a book by its cover. b) You made my day! c) I will keep my fingers crossed for you. 13) 말이 쉽지.. a) Easier said than done. b) It takes two to Tango. c) Even Homer sometimes nods.

SD Quiz (2024 1학기)


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