市 - city, 市场 - market, 菜市场 - food market, 买 - buy, 卖 - sell, 海 - sea, 海鲜 - seafood, 人民 - the people, 币 - money; currency, 人民币 - RMB, Chinese currency, 元 - yuan, a unit of money, 角 - jiao, 1/10 of a yuan, 分 - cents, 块 - kuai (informal form of yuan), a unit of money, 毛 - mao (informal form of jiao), 1/10 of a yuan, 斤 - jin, a unit of weight (1/2 kilogram), 虾 - shrimp, prawn, 钱 - money, 给 - give, 找 - give change, 全 - whole, 上 - last (time,etc.), 上个周末 - last weekend, 家 - a measure word (for families and businesses), 店 - shop; store, 饭店 - restaurant, 蒸 - steam, 蒸鱼 - steamed fish, 炸 - deep-fry, 炸虾 - fried shrimps,

G5 CFL Unit 3 Lesson 12


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