Soy estudiante., 2. Mi casa es blanca., 3. Mi jefe (boss) y yo somos amigos., 4. Mi mejor (best) amigo es mecánico., 5. Oprah Winfrey es inteligente., 6. El clima de Hawaii es tropical., 7. Los colores rojo y azul son mis favoritos., 8. Las hamburguesas son muy populares en los Estados Unidos., 9. Beethoven es famoso por su música., 10. Shakespeare es famoso por sus pinturas., 11. Soy arquitecto., 12. No soy profesor de inglés, I am from the United States., 2. You are my friend., 3. He is handsome., 4. She is very interesting., 5. They are astronauts (el/la astronauta) from another planet (el planeta)., 6. You all are American., 7. Today is Monday., 8. My socks are white., 9. Kate Winslet is an actress., 10. He is tall. She is tall., 11. They are handsome men., 12. Where are you all from?, 13. We are from Panama., 14. What time is it? It is ten o’clock., 15. Who are you? Who are they?, Estoy en mi casa., 2. Estoy interesado/interesada en español., 3. Mi mejor amigo/amiga probablemente está en casa., 4. México está en Norteamérica., 5. Madrid y Sevilla están en España., 6. Mi mejor amigo/amiga y yo estamos enfermos/enfermas., 7. Estoy sentado/sentada., 9. No estoy de pie., 10. Cristóbal Colón está muerto., 12. Normalmente, mis amigos y yo estamos de buen humor., 1. I am with John. I am not with John., 2. She is with Marcos. She is not with Marcos., 3. I am fi ne. I am not happy., 4. Where are you? Where is Felipe?, 5. John is mad. They are mad., 6. Jane is standing, but we are sitting., 7. I am sad because you are not here., 8. Jane is anxious because we are not ready., 10. The chairs are not in the kitchen., 11. Many boys are in the house., 12. Why are you all here?, 13. Argentina is in South America., 14. Are the dogs in the living room?, 15. The tomatoes are green., This chicken (el pollo) is very good!, 17. John is depressed (deprimido)., 18. Why aren’t you happy?, 19. She is embarrassed (avergonzada)., 20. They are in a bad mood because the television is broken and therefore (por eso), they are bored..

Traducción: Ser y estar presente simple


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