What bad habits annoy you most? What are you currently doing to improve yourself?, What challenges will you have overcome / things you wil have accomplished by the end of the year?, What are your plans for the following month? Autumn?, Remember the last time you laughed/cried/were mad/were upset. What had happened?, What language will you never agree to study? Why not? What other language do you hope to learn in the future?, What are passengers not allowed to do on the plane? What are drivers not allowed to do while driving?, When did you last have your eyes tested? And your teeth and health checked? How often are people supposed to do that and why?, What funny situation will you never forget?, Is there anything unnecessary you bought/done and regret doing that? What would be different if you hadn't done that?, What countries will you have visited by the time you are retired? Have you ever got a trip planned by a travel agent?, What piece of advice could you give to 15-y-o. you? Are there any past actions that parents still criticize you about?, What have you been doing if now you feel ecstatic/miserable/exhausted/ thrilled? (discuss all the emotions), You don't want to go to work, prepare speech to your boss., Tell some brief narrative story that happened with you but you have never told it because it's awkward / bizarre / over-the-top / extreme., What do you do in case you feel stressed? How to avoid having negative consequences of stress?, What did you want to get done for yourself in your childhood? What do you want to have done for yourself now as an adult?.


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