Repetition - She felt warm, she felt safe, she felt loved, Sibilance - The slimy snake slithered silently, Metaphor - He had a heart of gold, Simile - As silent as the wind, Hyperbole - A million tears she cried, Alliteration - The rapid rascal ran, Onomatopoeia - Pop, whizz, Personification - The trees whispered to each other, Rhyme - Sing, wing, Pathetic fallacy - The rain set in early tonight, Assonance - The moors roared , Oxymoron - Deafening silence, Caesura - For love of her, and all in vain , Enjambment - One line of poetry going into the next with no punctuation, Couplet - 2 lines of the same length that rhyme,

Poetic devices



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