1) always telling the truth, and never stealing or cheating. a) cheerful b) honest c) dishonest d) strict 2) Someone who isn’t nice and kind to other people. a) friendly b) unfriendly c) miserable d) generous 3) giving or willing to give freely; given freely a) relaxed b) hard-working c) mean d) generous 4) thinking and feeling unhappy and afraid. a) impatient b) patient c) relaxed d) worried 5) Someone who puts a lot of effort into a job and do it well. a) hard-working b) mean c) relaxed d) patient 6) very unhappy or uncomfortable. a) strict b) miserable c) unfriendly d) honest 7) feeling sure about your own ability to do things and be successful. a) polite b) hard-working c) shy d) confident 8) Someone who has good manners. a) polite b) impolite c) confident d) friendly 9) Someone who isn’t nice and kind to other people. a) strict b) mean c) polite d) unfriendly 10) uncomfortable with other people and unwilling to talk to them. a) impolite b) mean c) shy d) miserable 11) Someone who is able to wait for a long time or accept annoying behavior or difficulties without becoming angry. a) impatient b) patient c) confident d) hard-working 12) Someone who demands that rules, especially rules about behaviour, should be obeyed. a) strict b) honest c) miserable d) cheerful 13) Someone who hasn’t good manners. a) shy b) impolite c) polite d) strict

Describing people-Personality



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