How do you cope with stress?, What is the best advice you have ever received?, What age is best to start dating?, What is the worst purchase you have made?, Is there any strange food in your country?, What is on your bucket list?, What is your opinion about violence in TV, movies, and video games?, What is the most challenging part of your job or your studies? What is the most rewarding part?, What’s one thing in your home you couldn’t live without? Why?, Is it better to be a boss or an employee? Why?, Do you think what job someone has determines who they are?, What company is the best to work for?, What are some of the best jobs you can think of?, What kind of job do you want to get in the future?  What kind of tasks will you have to do?, Do you think that some people are more productive because of genetics or how they were raised?, What are some things you want to do but don’t have time for?, Do you think smartphones increase or decrease productivity? Why?, What advice will you/do you give your children?, What do you think was the most productive period of your life so far? Why?, Have any of your wishes ever come true? Which one?, What do you wish you had right now?, Are you very motivated to do things or do you need motivation?, Does motivation come from inside a person or from their environment? Explain why you think so., What song do you listen to for motivation?, What do you think of motivation posters in offices, do they actually help?.



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