Plate - Silent -E jumps over one blue tile to make the vowel long, FEEt - In a 1-syllable word, long- E in the middle is usually EE, Rice - /s/ at the end after long vowel is usually C-E, Rise - /z/ at the end after long vowel is usually S-E, HuGE BriDGE - The only time you use D-G-E is right after a short vowel, Have 5 - V can't be at the end, Drop Rule - Drop a silent-E if adding a vowel suffix ❌ except for CE or GE if suffix doesn't start with e,i,y (Watch Out Vowels), custom, customIZE - /eyes/ as a suffix is always I-Z-E, famOUS - /us/ as a suffix is always O-U-S, agonY - agonIZE. specifY- specifIC   - drop y if adding suffixes I-C or I-Z-E, Nature - /cher/ is spelled T-U-R-E, ExpensIVE - /iv/  @ end of word ALWAYS I-V-E, DolPHin StYle - Only Greek words use PH or use Y in the middle, AdMIT - AdmiSSION - If base word ends with MIT use S+SION., Dear Sweet - If a related word ends with D or S, or DE or SE drop them and use S-I-O-N., rufFLE - if /ful/ @ end it is not a suffix, spell F-L-E, hasSLE whiSTLE canCEL - Look up /sul/ @ end as SL, sprinKLE vehiCLE - 2 syllables - K-L-E. 3 or more C-L-E, PalACE OffICE - /is/ @ end is A-C-E or I-C-E if not sure look up as I-S, packAGE - /ij/ @ end is A-G-E,

Book 6 - Complete Spelling Rules


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