1) A goldfish has ... on its body. a) feathers b) horns c) scales 2) Piranhas are fish that have very ... teeth. a) thick b) sharp c) slim 3) The bear ... its prey, but it got away. a) disappeared b) dropped c) attacked 4) Cows don't eat meat, they're ... .  a) omnivores b) carnivores c) herbivores 5) Most mammals ... birth to live young. a) give b) hatch c) lay 6) Goldfish are pretty and ... to keep. a) funny b) easy c) quiet 7) Dinosaurs went ... a long time ago. a) extinct b) endangered c) out 8) It takes lots of hours for koalas to ... the food they eat. a) feed b) digest c) weigh 9) In a Inuit myth, a bird ... into dust and then became a bird again. a) turned b) added c) remained 10) Which websites do you ... songs from? a) text b) surf c) download

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