1) What's the last lie you told? 2) Name someone you've pretended to like but actually couldn't stand. 3) What's the meanest thing you've ever said to someone else? 4) Who are you most jealous of? 5) How many selfies do you take a day? 6) Do you believe in any superstitions? If so, which ones? 7) What's one movie you're embarrassed to admit you enjoy? 8) When was the last time you apologized? What for? 9) How do you really feel about the Twilight saga? 10) What's the cheapest gift you've ever gotten for someone else? 11) What app do you waste the most time on? 12) Have you ever lied about your age? 13) If you had to delete one app from your phone, which one would it be? 14) Be honest: Do you have a favorite parent? 15) Which of your family members annoys you the most and why? 16) What's your biggest pet peeve? 17) What celebrity do you think is overrated? 18) What's your biggest regret in life? 19) Have you ever regifted a present? 20) What's one job you could never do? 21) Have you ever ghosted a friend? 22) What's the most childish thing you still do? 23) If you had to pick someone in this room to be your partner on a game show, who would it be and why? 24) Would you date someone shorter than you? 25) Have you ever lied for a friend? 26) Name one thing you'd change about every person in this room 27) What's the most embarrassing thing you've done in front of a crowd? 28) After you've dropped a piece of food, what's the longest time you've left it on the floor before eating it? 29) What's the last purchase you regretted? 30) What do you want on your tombstone? 31) What's the last movie that made you cry? 32) List one positive and one negative thing about everyone in the room. 33) What's your favorite possession? 34) What was your biggest fear as a child? 35) Name a band you only pretend to like. 36) What is that one thing you would never do for all the money in the world? 37) Who is your favorite person in your immediate family 38) What's your biggest insecurity? 39) What word do you hate the most? 40) What's the best lie you've ever told anyone? 41) Who was the last person you stalked on social media? 42) What do you think happens when you die? 43) Have you ever been in a fight? 44) Would you marry someone rich even if you weren't in love with them? 45) What's the worst advice you've ever given someone else? 46) What's the worst advice someone else has ever given you? 47) When was the last time you wanted to hit somebody? 48) What's the grossest smell that you secretly enjoy? 49) What's your least favorite memory from primary school? 50) What's your favorite guilty pleasure song? 51) What's the most bogus rumor you've ever heard about yourself? 52) What's the most common misconception about you? 53) Have you ever had a paranormal experience? 54) What's the worst present someone has ever given you? 55) What's the worst present you've ever given someone else? 56) What's something you're embarrassed that you're good at? 57) What's something you've done that you'd judge someone else for doing? 58) Who's your hero? 59) What's something you know you need to do but aren't looking forward to at all? 60) What's the most offensive joke you've found funny?


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