1) 1: Students may not eat in class a) Maybe you can't eat in class b) You are not allowed to eat in class  c) You mustn't eat in class 2) 2: That couldn't be true a) Maybe that isn't true  b) That wasn't true  c) It's definitely not true 3) 3: He could be late because of the traffic a) It's possible that he is late because of the traffic b) He was late because of the traffic c) He is able to be late because of the traffic. 4) 4: I'm really thirsty. May I please have a glass of water? a) Is it possible to have a glass of water? b) Will I be able to have a glass of water? c) Please give me a glass of water. 5) 5: You may experience headaches and feel sick during a hangover. a) You are allowed to experience headaches and feel sick b) You will experience headaches and feel sick c) It's possible that you will experience headaches and feel sick. 6) 6: More than 2000 years ago small states like Athens, Macedonia and Rome could create enormous armies and navies. a) Small states like Athens, Macedonia and Rome possibly can create enormous armies and navies. b) Small states like Athens, Macedonia and Rome were able to create enormous armies and navies c) Small states like Athens, Macedonia and Rome have permission to create enormous armies and navies. 7) You may pick blackberries nearly everywhere in Ireland. a) You can pick blackberries almost everywhere in Ireland b) It's possible to pick blackberries somewhere in Ireland c) It's impossible to pick blackberries nowhere in Ireland 8) Did you know that elephants can't jump? a) Did you know that elephants may not jump? b) Did you know that elephants might not jump? c) Did you know that elephants aren't able to jump? 9) Be careful of eating wild mushrooms because some of them might be poisonous - / a) Some types of wild mushroom can be dangerous b) Any wild mushrooms could be dangerous c) No wild mushrooms may not be dangerous 10) We might be able to play a game after the test a) We could have played a game after the test b) We will play a game after the test c) We may play a game after the test

Modals with multiple meanings


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