PASSEMENTERIE' - highly elaborate tassels , tie-backs , ribbon trim, PATINA - lustrous, aged finish, PELMET - framework to conceal drapery hardware at the top of a window, PENDANT - hanging ornamentation or electrical fixture mounted from the ceiling, PERSONAL STYLE - an eclectic interior furnishing style indicative of personal preferences and lifestyle, PERSPECTIVE - three-dimensional drawing, with horizon line and single or multiple vanishing points, to illustrate volume and spatial relationships, PICKLING - painted whitewash finish applied to furnishings, PILASTER - decorative vertical architectural element , similar to a half- column , with a shallow projection often used on a door surround or mantle, PLAN VIEW - scaled layout, typically drawn 1/4" to 1'0", showing all walls, windows , openings, door swings , floor levels, ceiling angles, etc. with supporting documents in larger scale detailing construction specifications, PO - Purchase order,

Interior Design-Glossary 21



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