I went to Moscow ____ train yesterday. I go to work on ____ because I live very near to my office. Sometimes I go to work by ____ because there are too many cards on streets to go by car. Sometimes I ____ a taxi when I can`t drive my car. I use ____ a lot because I can`t drive. I was very sad and angry when I ____ my plane and had to buy a new ticket. We ____ in a 5-star hotel last summer. I like visiting ____ because I am an artist. I went ____ in the mountains last summer. I don`t go ____ because museums are not interesting for me. I ____ around 20 emails at my work every day. I am planning to ____ a party today. I usually ____ a shower in the morning. I am going to buy a ____ ticket because I am planning to travel to Sochi and than back to Moscow. The train arrives at ____ 5. I am going to buy a ____ ticket because I don`t know when I will come back from Sochi to Moscow. How much does the ticket ____? - I have problems with English. - You ____ find an English teacher. - I am ill. - You ____ go to the party. Maria ____ a cake yesterday. We ____ to the park last weekend. They ____ her a kitten as a present. My children ____ their Math homework. I ____ some chocolate for breakfast. I ____ a birthday last week. We ____ a taxi from home to the restaurant. We ____ a car to the supermarket. I ____ home at 10 o`clock. We ____ ten words in the copybook.

Navigate A2 Unit 8 Revision


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