Archaeological - Related to the study of ancient cultures through their material remains., Artifacts - Items made by humans in the past, found during archaeological digs., Excavation - The process of carefully removing soil and other materials at a dig site., Museum - A historical place where people can see old objects and learn about history., Temple - A building devoted to the worship, or regarded as the dwelling place, of a god or gods or other objects of religious reverence., Trowel - A small hand tool used by archaeologists to dig, shape, smooth, and scoop small amounts of soil., Pottery - Ceramic vessels and objects that have been shaped from clay and hardened by heat., Restoration - The process of repairing or renovating a building, artifact, etc., so as to restore it to its original condition., Geophysics - Science used to scan the ground to find buried structures without digging., Natural hot spring - A spring that produces water heated by natural geological processes beneath the Earth's surface.,

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