English / ESL Intermediate
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3 959 résultats pour « esl intermediate »
ESL Body Parts
Gerund and Infinitive forms
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Conversation I1-I2 100 Quickfire Wh- Questions
Cartes aléatoires
2 pictures = 1 word Vocabulary Fun (feat compound nouns)
Fiches de révision
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EC I1 M2 5A Past Perfect Domino match
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EC B4 M2 12A Grammar - Past Perfect Gapfil
Complétez la phrase
EC I1 M2 5A Why did you say that? Past Perfect
Cartes aléatoires
EAP I2 M1 U8 Past Perfect Explanations
Roue aléatoire
EC I1 M2 5A Superstitions from Around the World
Fiches de révision
Gerunds and Infinitives
Complétez la phrase
Quiz télévisé
EC I4 M2 9B Suffixes and Prefixes conversation
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IELTS 5.5 Speaking section 2 questions
Cartes aléatoires
8A Crime ESL discussion questions
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I1-I2 Con (M2) W1 Feelings & Emotions: How would you feel if...
Cartes aléatoires
English File - Ice-breaker Intermediate
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TEENS 4 Kitchen equipment
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Present Simple and Continuous (with Stative verbs)
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EAP I2 M1 U8 Past Perfect Jumble
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I1-I2 Con M2 W1 Experiences discussion with full sentences.
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Pronunciation I1-I2 Rhythm/Stress Matching
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Con B3-B4 M2 W3 Questions about home
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Con B3-B4 M1 W3 Talking prompts about relationships
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EC I1 M2 5B Used to: How did they change the world?
Cartes aléatoires
EC I3 M1 2A Doctor Medicine Flashcards TBC
Fiches de révision
EC I2 M1 7A Education Vocabulary Differences w/ answers
Fiches de révision
EC I1 M2 5A Name the Sport Image Quiz
Quiz de l’image
EC I2 M1 7A Education Opinion Cards
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Q & A about Melbourne
Ability - Empower Intermediate 4A
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Parts of Speech Intermediate
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Con B3-B4 M2 W3 House vocabulary Group Sort
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Grammar I3-I4 M3 W3 Talk for 1 min Gerunds and Infinitives
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B3-B4 Vocab M2 W1 Talk about Personality and Appearance
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EC I3 M1 2B Age related questions
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B4-B4 Vocab M2 W1 Happiness Questions
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EC I4 M2 9A Business Phrasal Verbs
EC I3 M1 1A Indirect Questions: Can you tell me...
Fiches de révision
EC I1 M2 4A Reflexive pronouns Multiple choice gaps
Complétez la phrase
Intermediate 7B Second Conditional situations
Roue aléatoire
Phrasal Verb Questions ESL
Roue aléatoire
TEENS 4: A Puzzle For Logan
Mots mêlés
EC I3 M2 4A Will these situations happen? Will they be a good thing?
Fiches de révision
EC B4 M2 10A Past tense '-ed' sound endings
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EAP I2 M1 U8 Past perfect Questions
Cartes aléatoires
EC I1 M2 5A Murder Mystery
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