
Средняя школа Speakout elementary

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SpeakOut 2.2 vocabulary
SpeakOut 2.2 vocabulary Cartes aléatoires
Speakout elem U3.2
Speakout elem U3.2 Anagramme
Speak out. Elementary. 1.1.
Speak out. Elementary. 1.1. Apparier
Travel objects - SpeakOut - Unit 1.2
Travel objects - SpeakOut - Unit 1.2 Quiz
Speakout Elementary Unit 1.2 Things
Speakout Elementary Unit 1.2 Things Apparier
Should Cartes aléatoires
Have you got ...?
Have you got ...? Cartes aléatoires
Speakout Elementary - Present Simple - How often do you...?
Speakout Elementary - Present Simple - How often do you...? Roue aléatoire
Speakout elem U2.2 daily routines
Speakout elem U2.2 daily routines Quiz
Countries and Nationalities - SpeakOut Elementary
Countries and Nationalities - SpeakOut Elementary Apparier
Карточки Unit 6 Speakout irregular verbs
Карточки Unit 6 Speakout irregular verbs Fiches de révision
SpeakOut Elementary Unit 5.2: Containers
SpeakOut Elementary Unit 5.2: Containers Apparier
SpeakOut Elem 2.1 do /play /go /have
SpeakOut Elem 2.1 do /play /go /have Trier par groupe
Unit 2 Speakout elem jobs vocabulary practice
Unit 2 Speakout elem jobs vocabulary practice Diagramme étiqueté
Present Simple Frequency Adverbs
Present Simple Frequency Adverbs Cartes aléatoires
SpeakOut 2016, Intermediate, Unit 1, Part 1
SpeakOut 2016, Intermediate, Unit 1, Part 1 Pendu
Speakout elementary Unit 2 grammar
Speakout elementary Unit 2 grammar Apparier
5.2 Speakout elementary food containers.
5.2 Speakout elementary food containers. Trier par groupe
Elem Prepositions at in to on
Elem Prepositions at in to on Trier par groupe
Unit 6 Speakout Elementary Pronunciation
Unit 6 Speakout Elementary Pronunciation Trier par groupe
Personal information cards
Personal information cards Cartes aléatoires
1.2 This / That / These / Those
1.2 This / That / These / Those Quiz
Comparatives Cartes aléatoires
Unit 6 Speakout grammar
Unit 6 Speakout grammar Quiz
At the postoffice Unit 1.3
At the postoffice Unit 1.3 Complétez la phrase
Make up sentences in Present Simple
Make up sentences in Present Simple Cartes aléatoires
Present Perfect
Present Perfect Démêler
Making requests Unit 1.3
Making requests Unit 1.3 Démêler
SpeakOut Elementary. Posessives.
SpeakOut Elementary. Posessives. Frapper-une-taupe
Tourist places extra Unit 1.3
Tourist places extra Unit 1.3 Trouver la correspondance
Speakout Elementary. U. 7.
Speakout Elementary. U. 7. Apparier
Tourist places (SO Elem 1.3)
Tourist places (SO Elem 1.3) Trier par groupe
Unit 7.3 Spekout elementary (directions)
Unit 7.3 Spekout elementary (directions) Démêler
Possessive adjectives VS possessive pronouns
Possessive adjectives VS possessive pronouns Trouver la correspondance
2.3 Speakout elementary prepositions of time at in on
2.3 Speakout elementary prepositions of time at in on Trier par groupe
Imaginary situation
Imaginary situation Ouvrir la boîte
Collocations with do / play / go  (part 2)
Collocations with do / play / go (part 2) Quiz
First or second conditionals?
First or second conditionals? Cartes aléatoires
Boya 1-4课
Boya 1-4课 Apparier
Suffixes -tion/-ation/-sion
Suffixes -tion/-ation/-sion Trier par groupe
Gateway A2 Unit 5
Gateway A2 Unit 5 Trouver la correspondance
If only ...
If only ... Cartes aléatoires
I wish ...
I wish ... Cartes aléatoires
Ever/never in Present Perfect
Ever/never in Present Perfect Cartes aléatoires
 Gerund and infinitive
Gerund and infinitive Quiz
Collocations with do / play / go  (part 1)
Collocations with do / play / go (part 1) Quiz
School Homework (26) ОГЭ. Диалог-расспрос.
School Homework (26) ОГЭ. Диалог-расспрос. Apparier
Passive Voice
Passive Voice Quiz
Noun suffixes
Noun suffixes Quiz
Speakout Elementary 1.2
Speakout Elementary 1.2 Diagramme étiqueté
Speakout Elementary Unit 1
Speakout Elementary Unit 1 Ouvrir la boîte
Speakout elementary 2.1
Speakout elementary 2.1 Roue aléatoire
Things for traveling (1.2)
Things for traveling (1.2) Cartes aléatoires
At a hotel
At a hotel Cartes aléatoires
Unit 6 Speakout elementary Grammar
Unit 6 Speakout elementary Grammar Trier par groupe
2.1 Speakout Elementary
2.1 Speakout Elementary Apparier
Prepositions of Place (4.1)
Prepositions of Place (4.1) Trouver la correspondance
Restauration auto-sauvegardé :  ?