
4-й класс Starlight 4

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Animals. starlight 3-4
Animals. starlight 3-4 Balloon pop
Feelings Quiz
Verbs Spotlight 4 (part 2)
Verbs Spotlight 4 (part 2) Trouver la correspondance
stralight 4 module 6
stralight 4 module 6 Apparier
Starlight 4 Module 3 unit 4
Starlight 4 Module 3 unit 4 Apparier
Starlight 4 Module 4 vocab1
Starlight 4 Module 4 vocab1 Apparier
Starlight 4 Module 4 vocab1 anagramma
Starlight 4 Module 4 vocab1 anagramma Anagramme
Stralight 4 Module 5
Stralight 4 Module 5 Apparier
Spotlight 4, Module 8, Unit 15
Spotlight 4, Module 8, Unit 15 Apparier
Animals. starlight 3-4. Pictures
Animals. starlight 3-4. Pictures Balloon pop
Present Continious. Starlight  4
Present Continious. Starlight 4 Démêler
irregular verbs starlight 4
irregular verbs starlight 4 Trouver la correspondance
irregular verbs starlight 4
irregular verbs starlight 4 Trouver la correspondance
Starlight 4 Animal Elections
Starlight 4 Animal Elections Apparier
Starlight 4 Module 6 Packing 2
Starlight 4 Module 6 Packing 2 Diagramme étiqueté
Starlight 4 Module 5 must have to should
Starlight 4 Module 5 must have to should Quiz
Starlight 4 Module 5 Have to / Has to
Starlight 4 Module 5 Have to / Has to Quiz
School subjects Starlight 4
School subjects Starlight 4 Quiz
Starlight 4 module 2
Starlight 4 module 2 Apparier
Prepositions of place
Prepositions of place Quiz
Comparatives Apparier
Starlight 4 module 6 Countable and uncountable
Starlight 4 module 6 Countable and uncountable Trier par groupe
Can can't
Can can't Fiches de révision
Starlight 4, Past Simple
Starlight 4, Past Simple Quiz télévisé
must / mustn`t
must / mustn`t Quiz
Starlight 4 round up lesson 8
Starlight 4 round up lesson 8 Anagramme
How much / many
How much / many Quiz
Comparative, Starlight 4
Comparative, Starlight 4 Quiz
Rainbow English 4 Unit 1 Question words
Rainbow English 4 Unit 1 Question words Apparier
Willow`s Story
Willow`s Story Anagramme
Rainbow English 4 Unit 1 Question words
Rainbow English 4 Unit 1 Question words Trouver la correspondance
Starligh 4 Unit 2 School subjects
Starligh 4 Unit 2 School subjects Trouver la correspondance
Spotlight 4 Module 1 2020
Spotlight 4 Module 1 2020 Diagramme étiqueté
have to / don`t have to
have to / don`t have to Quiz
Rainbow English 4 Unit 1 Family members
Rainbow English 4 Unit 1 Family members Trouver la correspondance
Spotlight 4 3a I am working at...
Spotlight 4 3a I am working at... Roue aléatoire
Готовимся к ВПР. Математика, 4 класс. Задание №10
Готовимся к ВПР. Математика, 4 класс. Задание №10 Diagramme étiqueté
STARLIGHT 4.Round-up Lesson 4
STARLIGHT 4.Round-up Lesson 4 Trier par groupe
Предложение, 4 класс
Предложение, 4 класс Démêler
Готовимся к ВПР. Задание №15. Русский язык, 4 класс.
Готовимся к ВПР. Задание №15. Русский язык, 4 класс. Apparier
Готовимсяк ВПР. Задание №15. Русский язык, 4 класс
Готовимсяк ВПР. Задание №15. Русский язык, 4 класс Apparier
Past Simple + - ?
Past Simple + - ? Démêler
Lizzie Past Simple
Lizzie Past Simple Démêler
irregular verbs part 2
irregular verbs part 2 Vrai ou faux
Антонимы или нет?
Антонимы или нет? Fiches de révision
Past simple (?)
Past simple (?) Complétez la phrase
irregular verbs part 1
irregular verbs part 1 Vrai ou faux
Орфографическое ассорти, 4 класс
Орфографическое ассорти, 4 класс Retournez les tuiles
Синонимы Trier par groupe
Question words
Question words Complétez la phrase
Starlight 4 Module 1 In town part 2
Starlight 4 Module 1 In town part 2 Apparier
Starlight 4 Module 4 vocab1 виселица
Starlight 4 Module 4 vocab1 виселица Pendu
Spotlight 4 Module 5 Unit 9a Ordinal numbers
Spotlight 4 Module 5 Unit 9a Ordinal numbers Trouver la correspondance
Lizzie missing word past simple
Lizzie missing word past simple Complétez la phrase
Таблица умножения (на 4, на 5)
Таблица умножения (на 4, на 5) Vrai ou faux
Внетабличное умножение. Случаи вида 23 * 4
Внетабличное умножение. Случаи вида 23 * 4 Vrai ou faux
Stirlight 4 Module 6 Voc.1
Stirlight 4 Module 6 Voc.1 Apparier
Таблица умножения и деления. 3 класс
Таблица умножения и деления. 3 класс Trier par groupe
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