
Spotlight 2 Spotlight 2

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Личные местоимения. Open the box
Личные местоимения. Open the box Ouvrir la boîte
To be. Spotlight
To be. Spotlight Trier par groupe
Present Simple (+)
Present Simple (+) Quiz
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday! Vrai ou faux
have got / has got
have got / has got Quiz
shape sort
shape sort Trier par groupe
Fly high 2/ unit 12
Fly high 2/ unit 12 Trier par groupe
Fly high 2/ unit 1
Fly high 2/ unit 1 Trier par groupe
Words for beginners
Words for beginners Quiz
 personal pronouns
personal pronouns Quiz
Have got/has got +, -, ? Spotlight 2 (№4)
Have got/has got +, -, ? Spotlight 2 (№4) Quiz
There is/There are
There is/There are Apparier
short form of 'to be'
short form of 'to be' Apparier
Pronouns Quiz
 He She It They
He She It They Quiz
Have got/has got, sorting sentences. Spotlight 2 (№3)
Have got/has got, sorting sentences. Spotlight 2 (№3) Trier par groupe
Family and friends 1 Unit 9 | Have got / Has got +, -
Family and friends 1 Unit 9 | Have got / Has got +, - Quiz
Fly high 2/ unit 2
Fly high 2/ unit 2 Pendu
The Zoo
The Zoo Pendu
Present Continuous
Present Continuous Complétez la phrase
Translate into English
Translate into English Cartes aléatoires
the weather
the weather Retournez les tuiles
Alphabet Apparier
Starters speaking
Starters speaking Roue aléatoire
there is are /how many
there is are /how many Démêler
house vocabulary
house vocabulary Trouver la correspondance
Short answers
Short answers Quiz
What colour is it?
What colour is it? Cartes aléatoires
Whose tail?
Whose tail? Quiz
 Spotlight 3 Unit 12
Spotlight 3 Unit 12 Apparier
Numbers 1-10
Numbers 1-10 Anagramme
Numbers 1-10
Numbers 1-10 Anagramme
Phonics (Letters)
Phonics (Letters) Cartes aléatoires
Colors. Unit 3
Colors. Unit 3 Diagramme étiqueté
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Present Simple vs Present Continuous Avion
Spotlight 3 Weather / anagram
Spotlight 3 Weather / anagram Anagramme
Pronouns Trier par groupe
Present Continuous
Present Continuous Apparier
Shapes Mots mêlés
My class
My class Anagramme
Plurals (-s/-es)
Plurals (-s/-es) Quiz
 Spotlight 2 Food
Spotlight 2 Food Trouver la correspondance
My colours. Unit 3. Kids box starter
My colours. Unit 3. Kids box starter Diagramme étiqueté
Have / go / do / listen verb collocations
Have / go / do / listen verb collocations Trier par groupe
English alphabet (Uppercase and lowercase)
English alphabet (Uppercase and lowercase) Quiz
ON / IN (time)
ON / IN (time) Trier par groupe
Kids box starter .Colours. Unit 3
Kids box starter .Colours. Unit 3 Trouver la correspondance
Food part 1 (vegetables, fruit, drinks)
Food part 1 (vegetables, fruit, drinks) Trier par groupe
Numbers 1-12
Numbers 1-12 Apparier
Numbers 1-12
Numbers 1-12 Diagramme étiqueté
Fly high 2/unit 11/words
Fly high 2/unit 11/words Apparier
STARLIGHT 2.The weather
STARLIGHT 2.The weather Trouver la correspondance
Body parts Spotlight
Body parts Spotlight Anagramme
Kid's box starter/ unit 4/ my toys
Kid's box starter/ unit 4/ my toys Anagramme
Spotlight 2 My Home (2)
Spotlight 2 My Home (2) Anagramme
Weather Apparier
Spotlight 2 Module 1
Spotlight 2 Module 1 Quiz
She's got blue eyes.
She's got blue eyes. Trouver la correspondance
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